Massive Attack, Fatboy slim questions

Key Words:  

  • Naturalistic Mis-En-Scene -follow assumed laws of nature and society and have consistently logical relationships to one another.
  • Linear Narrativethe order in which events are portrayed corresponds to the order in which they occur. Stories told using this narrative structure will have a clear beginning, middle and end. They might begin with a description of the setting, have events leading up to a climax (the point where there is the most tension or drama in the story) and end with a resolution in which all the problems that arose during the narrative are either resolved or accepted.
  • Narrative Disruptionevents are portrayed, out of chronological order or in other ways where the narrative does not follow the direct causality pattern.
In the video 'unfinished sympathy' by Massive Attack, why would you describe the Miss-En-Scene as naturalistic? Why would you then describe the Mise-En-Scene in Fatboy Slim's 'Ya Mama' as less naturalistic?

The video 'unfinished sympathy' by Massive Attack would be considered naturalistic Miss-En-Scene as it shows Shara Nelson walking down a street with shows realism of society with poor social classes being shown.

In the video 'Ya Mama' by Fatboy Slim why would you describe the narrative as Linear? Why would You not describe the narrative in 'unfinished sympathy' by Massive Attack as linear?

'Ya Mama' by Fatboy slim follows a linear narrative as to shows an order of a story where a man receives a cassette and plays it which makes him dance uncontrollably which then happens to other people throughout the video. This is linear as we have a structure of a beginning, middle and then end which the beginning and end is tied together by the same postcard. However, 'unfinished sympathy' by Massive Attack would not be described as linear as there is no story telling us why the gang at the start is shown or where the disabled man came from the events of the people in the background don't follow an order and therefore isn't a linear narrative.

At what point in 'Ya Mama' is there a narrative disruption? Explain the event and how this disrupt the initial equilibrium of the scene.

'Ya Mama' has a narrative disruption as the very start of the video as up until 40 seconds shows a calm environment of 3 rednecks painting, watching tv and playing guitar. It has a narrative disruption when the man on bike crashes into there house and delivers a tape of which one of the rednecks plays and destroys his models he was painting. It disrupts the initial equilibrium as the balance of what seems to be rather peaceful is interfered by the postman and the tape which makes them go crazy.

In Massive Attacks 'Unfinished Sympathy' what do you see in the video that implies a world of different stories?

Massive attacks 'Unfinished Sympathy' implies a word of different stories as in the video you can see in the background many different characters that make us think about their lives. For instance,
