The Media & Me

Music Videos
I have loved music videos since I started using YouTube, it was a go to if I was ever bored and my love for Hip-Hop started from this. I remember watching artists such as Snoop Dogg, 50 cent, all these old school 90's rappers knowing this is my style of music. Then I started looking more into UK rap and watched Krept and Konan, ZieZie, these contemporary rappers started to influence my style of fashion and even language. I loved these edgy rap music videos which didn't just emphasis there luxury life after becoming successful but focusing. on the reality of how the area they grew up in really was, not painting a pretty picture but showing that you can make it even when it feels like you are trapped in a poor life.
Krept and Konan

The Internet
Since I was born I have always had access to the internet, this had made our generation slightly co-dependent on it as we haven't remembered a time without it. We have always been connected to everyone, we use it to talk and meet up, we use it to play games on, to get the news, to do research and its such an amazing tool. However it influences what you buy and cookies have had helped websites follow you around by making products that you have browsed pop up on another browser that could be completely different to the products. CLICK HERE to find out more about cookies and wether they are bad, good and how they influence what you buy.

Video Games
Being a big part of my life, video games have always been a good time waster. I have moved around most of my life so when I had to move and we had a long journey I would always bring my Nintendo DS and PSP, playing games like Tekken and Mario being a go to. These games never had in-game purchases once you bought the game you had the full game. However now most games ,like Call of Duty and GTA, require you to purchase extra things like fictional money and extra content to make the game more enjoyable and easy. Many youtubers and influences will sway you to buy these things as that is what they are playing and will endorse these companies.

Advertisements affect many aspects of our life, body image, clothing, hairstyle, products we buy its quite scary how much influence they have. We open a newspaper and see advertisements, we turn on the TV and there's advertisements, we go on social media and there's advertisements, we're surrounded by people trying to convince us there product is the best and if you don't have it then you wont be trending. This is a big problem as many people will see there favourite celebrities wearing a product thinking if we have that it almost gives something in common with them, which makes us want to buy it, I know that I have done this for Kendrick Lamar's Cortez Kenny Ones.
Cortez Kenny 1

Newspapers haven't been a big part of my life, as I have always used the TV if I want to know the news. My parents ,however, get the daily mail every Sunday to read up on the news that happened in the week. The newspaper was only something I would read if i was bored and it was in front of me, but I would never go out of my way to read it. I also think it is quite bias towards the topic that is being discussed and therefore don't think its the best way to get news anymore, whereas by using the internet you can get many different viewpoints on a topic knowing you're not being influenced by one opinion. An interesting article about this is on YouGov and describes how left-wing or right-wing newspapers are.

The BBC radio one extra show with Charlie Sloth is the only radio station I choose to listen too. This is mainly for music and the talks with the artists, however I don't think this has influenced me too much as most artists don't endorse products on there, just songs. My parents would listen to BBC radio two in the morning, which when i was asking them about has influenced there decision to buy many things, such as books written by celebrities and tried out new products that celebrities have used.

Television and Films
Most TV that I watch are on a box set version of it, as its so much more convenient than waiting for a show to air. I have been watching box sets since I was young using subscription services like LoveFilm to deliver TV shows and Movies to my house. Shows like GoT are very fictional and in turn don't really influence me very much, however a show like People just do nothing is a comedy which shows what style is like today and mocks 'chavs' and is very accurate to how people dress. This short clip from it shows this:


Magazines have never been important, as my parents never bought any, and neither have I. Therefore,I can see how they can be influential in terms of endorsements as it shows big celebrities using products and gossips about different important people but it hasn't ever influenced me as I have never been around them.
