
Big Issue Questions

1. How do the covers of Lego and Romesh support the statement that The Big Issue is 'hybrid and unpredictable' ? The Big Issue is 'hybrid and unpredictable' in the Lego cover it is uncluttered and focuses the readers attention on the cover lines, whereas the Romesh cover is cluttered ,in a cartoon and informal style despite it being a formal topic about money ,reinforcing The Big issue being unpredictable. The masthead also migrates across the page, varying from edition to edition, the Lego and Romesh cover supports this by migrating the masthead from top left on the lego one to centred on the Romesh cover. This shows The Big Issue doesn't have a house style and has an upper-hand on other magazines as it can be openly hybrid and unpredictable, which is unusual as many magazines have house styles to make them recognisable on retail shelves. Although similarities in the highly saturated colour themes can be seen the actual colour used in these themes are different,

The Big Issue

The Big Issue does not follow a house style as faithfully as more mainstream magazines, making it unusual in its media language. Layout varies from one edition to the next, as the Lego cover is not cluttered with only one cover line whereas the Romesh cover seems cluttered with many cover lines around Romesh's head, yet his picture stays the focus of the cover. The masthead migrates across the top of the page from top left (Lego) to centralised (Romesh) to top right ,in other editions.

Roland Barthes - Semiotics

Roland Barthes - Semiotics Semiotics is  the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation.  A sign refers to something that  conveys  meaning , any image, word or sound e.g. when we see a  traffic  light go red we know it means  stop ,without it actually saying stop.  A sign is made up of the signifier and the signified; the signifier is the 'thing' you are reading (e.g. red traffic light) , the signified is the meaning of the  signifier (e.g. red traffic light means stop).  Denotation is the literal meaning of the sign (identifying/describing the sign) and c onnotation is the metal association we think of with the sign.  Barthes identified that there were five codes of semiotics:  Hermeneutic code is if the text is mysterious/unexplained, making the reader question it, p roairetic code is when text builds suspense ,through anticipation of an action, s emantic code refer to a sign that has extra-literal meaning (semes are elements of the semantic code where t

Fatboy Slim- Ya Mama

Fatboy Slim- Ya Mama Using Media Language, Explain how representations have been constructed in the music video 'Ya Mama' by Fatboy Slim. The music video shows people playing the song and dancing uncontrollably in chaos, it has a linear narrative as we can see the music tape being delivered and then once played people dance dramatically and then he goes and sells/shows other people. However, it is also a cyclical narrative as the postcard that can be seen when he's painting his models is then seen in the end but with him in the postcard this time. In the beginning of the song you can see Tom and Jerry being watched ,by what appears to be a house of rednecks, which is an example of intertextuality and is a slapstick comedy show which is humorous ,similar to the music video. It also shows the people in the house as immature, as they haven't grown out of children's programmes reinforcing our opinions of them being rednecks. When the music tape gets played in

Massive Attack, Fatboy slim questions

Key Words:   Naturalistic Mis-En-Scene - follow assumed laws of nature and society and have consistently logical relationships to one another. Linear Narrative -  the order in which events are portrayed corresponds to the order in which they occur. Stories told using this narrative structure will have a clear beginning, middle and end. They might begin with a description of the setting, have events leading up to a climax (the point where there is the most tension or drama in the story) and end with a resolution in which all the problems that arose during the narrative are either resolved or accepted. Narrative Disruption -  events are portrayed, out of chronological order or in other ways where the narrative does not follow the direct causality pattern. In the video 'unfinished sympathy' by Massive Attack, why would you describe the Miss-En-Scene as naturalistic? Why would you then describe the Mise-En-Scene in Fatboy Slim's 'Ya Mama' as less naturali

The streets- dry your eyes (video)

The streets- dry your eyes (video)  

Johnny Cash- Hurt

Johnny Cash- Hurt Vanitas Chiaroscuro 1959- started taking amphetamines to cope with doing so many shows. 1963- moved to New York leaving family. 1966- wife filed divorce. June influenced him to become Christian and married her in1968 May 15, 2003- Wife died Song about drug addiction refers to 'needle' ,heroin addiction.