
Showing posts from September, 2018

Media Language: Use of a Camera

Basic Camera Shots : Extra long shot/ Established shot- Sets the scene, so the audience can see where the set is to get a better understanding of where the plot is happening. Long shot- Usually a shot of a whole person, to introduce a charecter. Mid shot- A shot of  a person waist-up, to create a more intimate sense of a character. Two shot- Two people in a frame, shows relationship between two characters. Close up- A shot including only the face(sometimes shoulders up) it creates a direct sense of feeling between the character and audience, explaining the characters emotions. Point of View- A shot showing the view of a person, can make audience more immersed and can make audience related to charecter. Extreme close up- A shot of a part of a persons face, creates suspense and usually creates an intense moment as all you can see is a characters reaction to something, not the actual event that is taking place. Basic Camera Movements: Tracking (In/Out)- movi

The Media & Me

Music Videos I have loved music videos since I started using YouTube , it was a go to if I was ever bored and my love for Hip-Hop started from this. I remember watching artists such as Snoop Dogg, 50 cent, all these old school 90's rappers knowing this is my style of music. Then I started looking more into UK rap and watched Krept and Konan, ZieZie, these contemporary rappers started to influence my style of fashion and even language. I loved these edgy rap music videos which didn't just emphasis there luxury life after becoming successful but focusing. on the reality of how the area they grew up in really was, not painting a pretty picture but showing that you can make it even when it feels like you are trapped in a poor life. Krept and Konan ZieZie The Internet Since I was born I have always had access to the internet, this had made our generation slightly co-dependent on it as we haven't remembered a time without it. We have always been connected to everyone,

Learning New Skills

I can type in my blog. I can add an image to my blog. I can add a video from YouTube by embedding it in my blog. I can add a hyperlink to my blog. CLICK HERE  to go to Mac and Devin go to high school IMDb website.

Media Studies Induction Task

Why study the media? The Media is such a key component of society today and has been for a long time. It has affected how the modern world is today and will keep shaping the future for the generations after us. Television, the internet, films, radio, newspapers are all types of media, it's everywhere why would I not want to study such a contemporary subject that surrounds us day in day out and understand it to a greater depth. defines media as ‘the means of communication that reach or influence people’ to me this suggests that media has been around since the Tang Dynasty in China where they used wooden blocks coated in ink to create books, such as the diamond sutra made in 868 A.D. This shows us how long media has been around for and how it is part of our history, it has helped develop technologies around the world through sharing knowledge and will continue to do so. More than 4 billion people are now using the internet and over 5 billion people now have m